Earl Grey Tea Cake

IMG_4300I came across this recipe over a year ago in a delicious. magazine. It sounded interesting and through I would give it a go for a staff morning tea. Although the batter seemed a little interesting as I mixed everything up according to the recipe it all turned out well. It was a hit at a recent open garden we did at Balgowan in Neerim South.  The only tweak that I have made to the original recipe is to cut down the amount of butter – it just seems excessive to me and I haven’t missed it since reducing the quantity.
This recipe will make a square cake tin, but if you want to make 2 loaf tins worth simply increase the quantities by half.

140g fresh dates, chopped
1 tsp bicarb of soda
180ml brewed earl grey tea (the strength is up to you, obviously the stronger the brew the more the flavour will come out in the cake)
2 granny smith apples, peeled and grated
185g self-raising flour, sifted
135g brown sugar
110g butter, melted
1 tsp vanilla extract
4 eggs

Preheat oven to 160ºC and grease a square cake tin.
Place dates, bicard of soda and tea in a bowl and stand for 10 minutes. Using a blender, blend the date mixture until smooth. Set aside
Combine apple, flour and sugar in a bowl. Add butter, vanilla, eggs and date mixture and mix well to combine.
Pour into the greased cake tin and bake for 45-55 minutes, or until cooked when tested with a skewer.

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